

Update and Assessments Section

  • Balance sheets reclassification
  • Trend updates evaluations
  • Update assets table
  • Analysis and planning investments(from 2° to 6° year)
  • Input forecast plan

Budget Section

  • Input budget
  • Investiments: direct investments and their financing, investments through financial leasing
  • Economic budget: actual/last year, actual/budget
  • Current management of revenue and charges
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Financial statement: funding list, net working capital

Forecast Section

  • Income statement projection at value added (6 years)
  • Income statement projection at goods sold (6 years)
  • Income statement projection at contribution margin (6 years)
  • Balance sheet projection: assets and liabilities (6 years)
  • Cash flow statement, operating and financial leverage (6 years)
  • Tax planning (6 years)
  • Ratios analysis (6 years)
  • What if analysis

Management Control Section

  • Input: actual, review of financial situation
  • Output: control 1-2-3-4 quarter, financial situation

Rating Section

  • Score e rating with Basel 2 IRB
  • Pricing bank's credit
  • capital cost WACC

Tableau de bord

  • Implementation of graphs and performance indicators
  • Report : implementation of report in Word® and Power Point®

Module language: simultaneous transalation from italian into inglese and vice versa .